MARMUN – 2024

Students from EGMT organised the fourth edition of Martin Model United Nations (MarMUN) during the weekend February 2nd-4th.

There were four committees, all discussing a current world issue. There was a Security Council (SC), Human Rights Council (HRC), Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and Disarmament and International Security Committee (DISEC). On the final Sunday, all committees met for a General Assembly in the Martin City Hall to discuss and finalise their resolutions.

Altogether there were 33 student delegates from all over Slovakia, besides chairs to lead each committee. More EGMT students performed crucial roles during the weekend, including guiding visiting delegates, serving food and drinks during breaks, passing messages in the committees or arranging rooms for the conference and tidying them up afterwards.

The whole event was a success for the school to be proud of. Thanks and appreciation are due to all the EGMT students who helped to make it happen.

James Baxter